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Gold is Always the Best Gift When it Comes to Baby Shower Gifts

There are different traditions of celebrating baby shower all over the world.

Children are bundle of joy, but they are special for their mothers. Motherhood is the fondest experience for most of the women. The bond of the little one develops and the mother develops from the womb itself when the kid is just an embryo. In fact it could be rightfully said that the bond grows stronger and happier after the detachment of the umbilical cord. Thus pregnancy is the time that one should celebrate and enjoy. Make yourself happy, be it by buying maternity cloth, reading a book, or may be watching your favorite movie. It can be anything that makes you happy, as your happiness gets transcend to your little resting inside you.  Pregnancy tenure also includes celebration and well wishes for the upcoming kids. This the celebration of baby shower, celebrated all over the world in different names and different cultural aspect. The festivity includes baby shower gifts, lots of fun game and coming together of family and friends.

However this is not it, there are several variation when it comes to the customs followed while organizing a baby showers and this differs all over the world. Baby shower festivity is either celebrated either before the birth of the baby or after his or her birth depending on the traditional rule. Many such as the Jews consider the baby shower celebration invited evil worth, and should not be celebrated.  This will be like bringing a bad luck, and similar to the proverb, ‘counting chickens before hatching.’ Similarly in many Asian countries including gifts such as baby toy, cute baby dresses and baby cot is consider to be bad gift for the festivity. Nevertheless gold and silver and religious pendent is considered to be perfect gift in most of the Indian baby showers.

Even within India itself there are separate ways to celebrate varying state to state. Therefore be careful while you buy baby shower gifts. The best way out is giving gold and silver jewellery, as in Asia and Africa most of the tradition believes it to be pious. 

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